Traveling with Kids This Holiday Season?  Here are Some Tip for Survival

Feature Trip Article – Jamaica

The holidays are a busy travel time and can be an added challenge if you are traveling with kiddos. Here are some tips to make sure your holiday travel goes smoothly. 

  1. Talk to your kids about what to expect. Before you leave on your trip, sit down with your kids and talk about what will happen.  Explain that there will be a lot of people around and that they might have to wait in line or be patient in crowds. If you’re going to be flying, go over the basics of air travel with them. The more they know about what to expect, the easier it will be for them (and for you).

2. Make sure they’re well-rested. This one is important. Travel can be tiring, especially for kids, so make sure they’re well-rested before your trip. That means no late nights and plenty of naps if possible.

The first trip of 2023 will be to Montego Bay, Jamaica! It was an easy decision to make this the first trip of the year since that’s exactly how we started out in 2021. Even though we were in the midst of the pandemic the group went and spent some time enjoying the warm sun and white beaches of Jamaica.

Entry into Jamaica wasn’t as complicated as some other countries, you did have to fill out a travel authorization form (which starting March 1 2022 is no longer required) as well as present a negative COVID test taken 72 hours prior to departure. The hotel had nurses on staff to administer the tests required to return to the US so the entire process was seamless.

  1. Bring snacks. And then bring some more snacks. It’s always better to have too many than not enough, especially when you’re traveling with young kids who might get hungry at unexpected times. And speaking of food…

4. Plan ahead for meals. Again, this is especially important with young children who might not do well with unfamiliar foods or long waits for their meals. If possible, plan ahead and know what food options are available along your journey. Or pack some easy-to-eat snacks that everyone can munch on while you’re on the go.

  1. Dress for success. Temperatures will vary when you travel. You may not have control over the thermostat in the airport, in hotels, and on a cruise. Dress your kids in layers so they can add or remove clothing to fit their comfort levels. And remember to pack an extra set of clothes in case of spills or accidents.

  1. Keep them entertained. This is probably the most important tip of all. Travel can be boring for us adults. Just imagine how it feels for your kids. So take the extra step and plan for their entertainment. Bring along books, coloring books, small toys, etc., anything that will help them stay occupied during down times (like when you’re driving or waiting in line). If possible, make use of technology and let them watch movies or play games on a tablet or phone (just make sure they don’t get too attached—it’s still vacation!)

  1. Keep your cool. Our biggest tip about traveling with kids is for you, the parent: try to keep your cool. We know it’s not always easy, but if you can stay calm and patient, it will make the whole experience better for everyone involved, even when things don’t go according to plan. If you can keep your own emotions in check, then you’ll be better equipped to deal with whatever challenges come your way during your travels.

While most parents fantasize about taking a holiday vacation, they dread the idea of the journey with the little ones. But, with a little planning and preparation, traveling with kids doesn’t have to be a nightmare.

Happy Holidays!

The hotel we stayed in was the Hilton Rose Hall, which was definitely a great choice. I wasn’t sure how staying at the resort would be during the pandemic but I will say everything was pristine. It was very surreal to be at a resort and it not be crowded

Even Though it was a quick getaway we scheduled two excursions. The first excursion is one of my favorites which is a catamaran tour with snorkeling and a stop at Margaritaville. This is always a fun one, with dancing, drinks and of course food! Who doesn’t love that combo!

We later went to Chukka where we went ATV riding, horseback riding and zip lining. It was an adventure of a day. I think my favorite part was riding the horses in the ocean, they are such beautiful creatures.

In the evenings even though there was a country wide curfew the resort made sure there were tons to do including a silent party and daily activities. Overall it was a great trip and a nice break from the winter during a time when we had all been cooped up in our houses for a year due to travel restrictions.

I can’t wait to go back! Who am I kidding I go often but will you be coming with me next winter?