Escape the Drama: How to Plan a Family Vacation with Your Teenager and Survive!

Ready to plan that family vacation but you realized there is one problem…you have a teenager. I don’t think they mean it, I honestly don’t think they can help it but let’s face it planning anything with a teenager is just plain out difficult. Not to worry, here are some tips to help make everyone (yes even the difficult teen) in your family. 


Give them Independence: As much as you’ll hate to admit it, teens don’t want to spend their days with their parents and younger siblings. Give them some space and freedom to explore on their own.

  • Consider cruise vacations that have designated spaces and activities for teens.
  • Get them their own neighboring or connecting hotel room, so they have space to be
  • Look into all-inclusive resorts that also have activities, entertainment, and other teens for them to socialize with.

Include their Type of Activities: Teens get bored quickly and need to be stimulated with activities that intrigue them. First, talk to your teen, and find out what activities they’d like to do and see on your trip. Then, plan for those activities and include some of your own suggestions as well. This way, they feel included in the planning process and won’t feel like you’re bossing them around.  They tend to hate that.


Allow Them to Bring A Friend: This is especially true for only children. Having a friend along will make it easier for them to enjoy the trip and take some of the burdens off of their parents. It may cost a little more, but it’s worth it if your teen is more likely to enjoy the trip.


Be Realistic:  Most teens and kids, in general, are not going to be interested in museum trips, visiting historical monuments, or other culture-related activities. Filling your day with these types of activities is setting you up for a miserable day. You can expect lots of complaining and resistance.


Now you don’t have to throw out all of the culture and history activities, be sure to mix it up and include activities your teens will enjoy, like theme parks, water activities, and fun restaurants


Listen, They are Bringing the Phone and IPad.  You may be tempted to insist that your teen and other family members put away their technology, unplug, and really connect during the trip, but that’s probably not going to happen. Not only will it not happen, but insisting on it is a surefire way to give you a headache and spoil your fun.


Instead, set some limits, but embrace your differences. Allow your teen to document their experience and share it with their friends at home.  

Smile for the selfies and join in the fun. And who knows.. you might finally start to understand that TikTok thing.


Pick your battles: The time will come when your teen will give you a hard time, and an epic battle will threaten to ruin the day. Don’t let it! Take a deep breath and ask yourself.. is it worth it?

  • If your teen wants to sleep in and miss breakfast.. LET THEM
  • If your teen doesn’t want to go with you to the beach…LEAVE THEM
  • If your teen is in a mood and wants to take a nap…DON’T ARGUE WITH THEM!
  • If your teen wants cereal for dinner, GIVE IT TO THEM 

Some things are just not worth the fight, especially when you’re on vacation.

There’s a thing that happens to them once they hit those teenage years. They become grumpy, easily bored, and sometimes rude. They become people we barely recognize. But this is just a season in their lives. Eventually, they’ll outgrow the phase and become people we actually enjoy being around again (maybe).


Until then, be sure to pack little patience (and some of these tips) and enjoy the journey!