The Best Time to Visit Kenya: Seasons, Weather, and Festivals

Kenya is a land of natural wonders, with its diverse landscape and wildlife, rich culture and traditions, and unique festivals and events. But when is the best time to visit Kenya to experience its beauty and excitement to the fullest? The answer depends on a number of factors, such as the weather, wildlife migration patterns, and local festivals and events. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the best time to visit Kenya based on these factors and offer planning tips for your trip.

Kenya’s Climate and Seasons

Kenya experiences four distinct seasons: the short dry season from January to February, the long dry season from June to October, the short rainy season from November to December, and the long rainy season from March to May. Each season has its own unique features and offers different experiences for travelers.

Short Dry Season (January-February): This is the best time to visit Kenya if you want to avoid the crowds and enjoy cooler temperatures. The landscape is still lush from the rainy season, and wildlife is abundant around water sources. The annual wildebeest calving season begins in late January and lasts until February.

Long Dry Season (June-October): This is the peak tourist season in Kenya, and for good reason. The weather is dry and sunny, making it the perfect time for game drives and wildlife spotting. This is also the best time to witness the great wildebeest migration, as millions of wildebeest and zebras cross the Mara River in search of greener pastures. However, be prepared for higher prices and larger crowds during this time.

Short Rainy Season (November-December): While this is considered the off-season, it is still a great time to visit Kenya for wildlife enthusiasts. The landscape is lush and green, and bird watching is at its best. The downside is that roads can become muddy and difficult to navigate.

Long Rainy Season (March-May): This is the least favorable time to visit Kenya, as heavy rains can cause flooding and disrupt travel plans. Many lodges and camps close during this time, and wildlife can be difficult to spot due to the abundant vegetation. However, this is a great time to visit for bird watching, as many migratory birds come to Kenya during this season.

Pros and Cons of Different Seasons

Dry Season Pros:

  • Perfect weather for outdoor activities
  • Best time for wildlife viewing
  • Ideal for trekking and hiking
  • Beautiful sunsets and sunrises
  • Best for hot air balloon safaris

Dry Season Cons:

  • Crowded parks and reserves
  • Higher prices for accommodations and tours
  • Dust and Dryness

Wet Season Pros:

  • Lush Greenery and Fewer Crowds
  • Cheaper Prices: 
  • Bird Watching:

Wet Season Cons:

  • Heavy Rains and Flooding
  • Limited Access to Some Areas
  • Wildlife Scattering

Planning Tips for the Best Time to Visit Kenya:

  • Consider Your Interests and Priorities: When planning your trip to Kenya, consider what activities and experiences you are most interested in. This can help you choose the best time to visit based on your preferences.
  • Check Weather Forecasts and Travel Advisories: Before booking your trip, make sure to check weather forecasts and travel advisories. This can help you avoid traveling during times of heavy rain or other travel disruptions.
  • Book Early to Secure Accommodations and Tours: The dry season is the most popular time to visit Kenya, so if you’re planning to travel during this time, it’s important to book early to secure accommodations and tours.
  • Consult with a Travel Expert for Personalized Advice: If you’re unsure about the best time to visit Kenya, consider consulting with a travel expert. They can provide personalized advice based on your preferences and travel goals.


When it comes to the best time to visit Kenya, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. It all depends on your preferences, interests, and priorities. Whether you choose to visit during the dry season or the wet season, you’re sure to have a memorable trip filled with natural wonders and cultural richness. Just make sure to plan ahead and consider the pros and cons of each season before booking your trip. When you are ready make sure to contact us at Black & Traveled to handle your planning needs!